My name is Skye Armstrong, I am a Colorado native, born and raised. I love to travel, make art, and pet dogs. When it comes to making art, my creation techniques vary from piece to piece. I kind of just go with what feels right! I have always had an interest in all things art but sometimes I find it very frustrating to work with my hands, so when it came to finding a solution, my interest in digital art took off. I have not made nearly the amount of art to compete with the countless experiences I've had with it. I have travelled quite a bit for my age and I never give up an opportunity to see the art from wherever I am and it never fails to amaze me. Art conveys so much emotion for me (although I think that's the point) that I've been hooked since a very young age. When it comes to what influences my art, I like it weird. The weirder the better honestly! I love surrealism and am thoroughly obsessed with the artist Salvador Dali, like seriously. I am self taught so my education in art is very minimal (i.e. highschool level required art classes) but I'm always eager to learn more about it. My philosophy towards art is that it should have a point. Whether that be to convey important messages like that of the street artist Banksy, or to just make you think and/or feel something like the strange art of Salvador Dali does. I make art for a few reasons. One is to paint how I feel if I can't express it in a better way, the other reason is because I can create whatever I want to see no matter how strange. I also paint because it really lets me relax and just be alone in my own brain for a while. My medium usually changes but I really like colored pencils and acrylic paint although I have experimented with most other mediums. I honestly don't have a specific approach to art making other than just sit down and create. My art can be very all over the place so even I am unsure of what my art says. I usually use lots of colors although I have definitely dabbled in strictly black and white, so it's really up to your own individual interpretation of my art. In the future I would love to do a mural. I don't think I realize how much work it would be, but to have the freedom to do whatever I wanted on such a large scale would make my dreams come true. My drive or passion is for the strange things in life. The things that make you feel a certain way and I always strive to incorporate that into my art. I'm very excited to take my art in a new, digital direction!