Final Artist Statement:
Learning Blender has been a mix of frustration and excitement. At first, the software was a maze of buttons, shortcuts, and options, and I had no idea where to start. Tasks that seemed like they should be simple took ages, and I lost count of how many tutorials I had to watch just to get the basics down. And then just when I thought I had figured something out, it would all go wrong and I would have to erase hours of work and start over. There were moments I seriously questioned if I'd ever get this project finished. But looking back I am proud of how far I've come since the first day we were making birds. Each piece I finished felt like a little victory, even if they didn't come out exactly as planned. I also had a similar experience with Effect House. At first, it felt like a puzzle but after figuring out the tools and working through trial and error I eventually got the hang of it. It's exciting to see my final filters and to be able to use them knowing I made them from scratch.
