YouTube Link to Screen Recording:
I think for this project it would be really cool to fill a space with blinking, searching eyes. Picture it: the walls are covered in 3-D objects with eyes projected all over them that open, close, and wink in all kinds of rhythms. Some will blink lazily, while others will be rapid and wide-eyed. Each one will have its own personality. I'm thinking of making each eye totally unique, some with thick, fluttery lashes, some in neon colors, and others with an almost alien vibe. The colors will range from warm, human-like tones to bizarre, electric hues, giving the installation a trippy, surreal energy. I want people to feel like they are being watched, but in a fun way. I need to do some research, but I also think it would be really cool to implement sensors into this in order for the eyes to follow people as they move, or the movement of the eyes changes with people moving through the installation. I think this would add a unique interactive element, while emphasizing the personalities of the different eyes. Overall I am aiming for a surreal experience, hopefully interactive, but generally a little spooky.
